I have worked in two countries intensively: in India (within development work in the 1960s and as a researcher mainly in the 1980s and as of 2012 - 2016) and in the Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea (North Korea) (in a UNDP sponsored project on arms capacity building in arms control). I visited Pyongyang first in 1991 and subsequently on four other occasions between 2002 and 2006.


Will Kim Jong Un Risk a War? full text, in Vision on Humanity, March 2024.

Nord- und Südkorea: Riskiert Kim Jong-un einen Krieg? full text, in Telepolis, February 2024.

A Pact of the Pariahs full text, in International Politics and Society, September 2023.

Pakt der Parias full text, in IPG Journal, September 2023.

Nuclear Clouds Over the 38th Parallel full text, in Global Outlook, Toda Peace Institute, May 2023.

Alles auf Sieg. full text, in IPG Journal, März 2023.

Realitätscheck full text, in IPG Journal, November 2022.

Should the Outcast be recognized? full text, in Global Outlook, Toda Peace Institute, November 2022.

Possible Deployment of North Korea's Nuclear Weapons: "Automatically and Immediately" full text, in Global Outlook, Toda Peace Institute, September 2022.

Dark Clouds Over North Korea full text, in Global Outlook, Toda Peace Institute May 2022.

Dunkle Wolken über Nordkorea, full text, in Telepolis, 28 May 2022.

Fest im Sattel, full text, in IPG Journal, Januar 2022.

Kim Dynasty: Firmly in Control full text, in Global Outlook, Toda Peace Institute January 2022.

Was geschieht in Nordkorea? (What is happening in North Korea), full text, in Telepolis, September 2021.

Balancing Act in Asia full text, in Global Outlook, Toda Peace Institute May 2021.

Das kleinere Übel? full text, in IPG May 2021.

Biden sollte mit Kim telefonieren (Biden should call Kim), Interview in Radio NDR about the US North Korea policy interview, in Radio NDR April 2021.

Warten auf Joe. Kommt die nächste Koreakrise? (Waiting for Joe. The next Korea crisis?) full text, in IPG January 2021.

Fait accompli. Ist die Denuklearisierung Koreas noch möglich? (Is denuclearization in Korea still possible?), Wissenschaft und Frieden, 2/2020, 40-42, abstract.

Prospects for Denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula: Lessons from the Past for a Nuclear-Free Future, Today Peace Institute, full text, Policy Brief No. 31, February 2019.

Nordkoreas Atomprogramm. Durchbruch oder alles nur Show? (North Korea's Nuclear Program: Break-through or only show?). full text

Nordkorea wird mit Sicherheit weiterhin am Atomprogramm festhalten (Interview: North Korea will certainly hold on to its nuclear program, in: Telepolis (Heise Online) 04 March 2018. full text

Dabei sein ist nichts. Niemand sollte ernsthaft glauben, die Olympischen Spiele könnten den Koreakonflikt beilegen (Taking part is nothing. Nobody should seriously believe the Korea conflict could be mended by the Olympic Games). full text

Schluss mit dem Machogehabe. Die USA müssen China beim Nordkoreakonflikt mit ins Boot holen. Gegenüber Kim Jong Un zurückzupöbeln bringt nichts (Stop the macho behavior between North Korea and the USA). full text

North Korea - On The Brink? full text, in Vision on Humanity, May 2017.

Bi Bim BUMM, Fünf Schritte, wie Nordkoreas Atomprogramm gestoppt werden kann.(Bi Bim Dumm. Fife steps to stop North Korea's nuclear program) full text, in Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft.

China, Panama und die UN-Sanktionen gegen Nordkorea (China, Panama and the UN-Sanctions against North Korea), in Das Blättchen, vol 19, no. 10, 9 May, full text

Von Krise zu Krise: Die Atomrüstung Nordkoreas (From crisis to crisis: North Korea's Nuclear Weapons), in Das Blättchen, vol. 19, no. 7. 28 March, in Das Blättchen, vol 19, no. 10, 9 May, full text

Noch nie wurden derart scharfe Sanktionen beschlossen (UN-sanctions against North Korea), in Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft full text.

Nordkorea. Innenansichten eines totalen Staates (by Rüdiger Frank) (North Korea. Inside a totalitarian state) (book review) in Sicherheit und Frieden publisher, 2/2015, p. 114-5.

North Koera's Military-Diplomatic Campaigns, 1966-2008 (by Naruhsige Michishita) (Book Review) in Sicherheit und Frieden publisher, 4/20211, pp. 285-286.

Nordkoreas Nuklearpoker (North Korea's nuclear poker), in Friedensforum 4/2009 full text, pp. 3-4.

North Korea's Nuclear Program. The Genie is Out of the Bottle - Can we get it Back in? In: INESAP Bulletin (International Network of engineers and Scientists Against Proliferation), April 2008, pp. 38 - 43.publisher

Verzichtet Nordkorea auf die Atombombe? NDR Info, Streitkräfte und Strategien

Ein erster Schritt zur vollständigen nuklearen Abrüstung

Stopping North Korea'’s nuclear programme. An active role for the EU, in: European Security Review, no. 31, December 2006. full text

Parfümflakons gegen Atombomben. In: Die Zeit, Nr. 49, 30. November 2006 full text

Nordkoreas Griff zur Bombe. (North Korea's Quest for Nuclear Weapons) In: Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Berlin, Studien 14, June 2006.full text

Poker um Nordkoreas Atomprogramm. (The poker about North Korea's nuclear programme). in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, no. 48, 28. November 2005, 16-23. full text


India's Balancing Act. full text, in Global Outlook, Toda Peace Institute, October 2023.

Indiens Balanceakt full text, in IPG Journal, Oktober 2023.
India's Surprising Change of Course full text, in International Politics and Society, October 2023.

Endloser Gipfelkampf full text, in IPG Journal, März 2023.

Military Skirmishes in the Himalayas full text, in Global Outlook, Toda Peace Institute, March 2023.

Tschüss Schattendasein. Indiens weltpolitische Rolle full text, in IPG Journal, Januar 2023.

At the Top Table. Will 2023 Be India's Year? full text, in Global Outlook, Toda Peace Institute, January 2023.
republished: full text, in Vision of Humanity, February 2023.

Ausgerüstet. Steht das indisch-russische Verhältnis vor einer Zäsur? (armed. the Indo-Russian relations) full text, in IPG Journal, March 2022.

Von wegen größte Demokratie der Welt full text, in IPG Jan. 2022.

In die Quere. Asiens Supermächte China und Indien streben nach Höherem (Across with each other. Asia's superpowers strive for the High-table) full text, in IPG June 2020.

Am Abgrund. Soziale Konflikte, wachsende Rivalität mit China und nun auch noch Corona (At the brink. Social conflicts, increasing rivalry with China and now Corona) full text, in IPG June 2020.

The Dragon and the Elephant: India's Perspectives on Sino-Indian Relations full text Toda Policy Brief 43, July 2019.

India's general election: Clear signal "Modi 2.0"! full text, in Herbert Wulf.

Gemischte Signale vom Ganges. (Modi's mixed bag). full text German, full text English Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft, April 2019.

More than a Rule Taker: the Indian Way of Multilateralism (co-author: Tobias Debiel), in: Mischa Hansel, Raphaelle Khan and Mélissa Levaillant (eds) (2017), Theorizing Indian Foreign Policy, Routledge, 91-111. publisher.

Maulheld Modi. Die Bilanz der hindu-nationalistischen Regierung nach drei Amtsjahren fällt mager aus. (Bigmouth Modi. The meagre balance sheet of three year's of the hindu-nationalist government) full text, in Internationale Politik und Gesellschaft.

Peacebuilding in Crisis - Rethinking paradigms and practices of transnational cooperation (eds. Tobias Debiel, Thomas Held and Ulrich Schnecken)in Wissenschaft und Frieden publisher, 3/2016, p. 55 - 6.

Indiens Weltmachtansprüche (India's global ambitions), in Das Blättchen, vol. 19, no. 13. 20 June, full text

BRICS: realistic alternative with a stuttering motor, in SIPRI and Economists for Peace and Security blog. full text

India's 'Strategic Autonomy' and the Club Model of Global Governance: Why the Indian BRICS Engagement Warrants a Less Ambiguous Foreign Policy Doctrine, in: Strategic Analysis, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2015, pp. 27-43. (co-author Tobias Debiel). full text.

Is India fit for a Role in Global Governance. The Predicament of Fragile Domestic Structures and Institutions. in: Global Cooperation Research Papers, 2014, No. 4, Centre for Global Cooperation Research full text.

India, China and the three C's in: United States Institute of Peace. International Network for Economics and Conflict full text.reprinted in Global Dialogue 4, Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University of Duisburg, pp. 51-54.full text

Indiens globale Anliegen und Ansprüche (India's global desires and ambitions), in: Zeitschrift für Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik,Vol. 7, No. 1/2014, 49-65. abstract.

Konflikt, Kooperation und Konkurrenz. Indiens China-Perspektiven (Conflict, Cooperation and Competition. India's China Perspectives), in: Wissenschaft und Frieden, vol. 31, 4/2013, 18-20 abstract.

Indiens BRICS-Politik: Unentschlossen im Club (co-author Tobias Debiel) (India's BRICS Policy: Undecided in the Club) in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 50-51/2013, 30-35 full text.

Indien, China und die drei K (India, China and the there C) in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 37/2013, 9-10 full text.

India's Aspirations in Global Politics. Competing Ideas and Amorphous Practices, in: Institute for Development and Peace, University of Duisburg, INEF Report 107, 2013, full text.

Does the Elephant Dance? Contemporary Indian Foreign Policy (by David M. Malone) (Book Review) in Wissenschaft und Frieden publisher, 3/20212, p. 64.

Rüstungsimport als Technologietransfer. Die negativen Auswirkungen von Rüstungsimporten auf die Industrialisierung in Peripherieländern (Arms Imports and Technology Transfers). Munich: Weltforum Verlag, 1979.

Indiens Aussen- und Sicherheitspolitik zwischen Gewaltlosigkeit und Atombombe. (India'’s foreign and security policy: between non-violence and the nuclear bomb. in: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte, no. B23, 6. Juni 1987, 3 15.

Indien. (India). in: Dieter Nohlen and Franz Nuscheler (eds.) Handbuch der Dritten Welt (second revised edition). Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 1983, vol. 7, 122-167.


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